Review: Betrothal Voyage

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I have the honor of receiving Betrothal Voyage as an ARC a few weeks ago and now that this story is released, I can now post my thoughts.

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Betrothal Voyage is a sci-fi romance adventure which has a lot of good points, but also some points that I am not a fan of. See below for my complete list of these points…

Good points

One of the best points of the story is that it is as advertised. It is a sci-fi romance with a friend’s to lovers story line, hot and sexy scenes and lots of humor, some of the humorous scenes had me laughing out loud!

Another good point was the characters, I really like the hero and heroine and their friends. I was very invested and interested to see if they could work everything out and get together in the end.

Finally, I loved getting both characters points of view and how each section was told for one of their points of views. This is a huge plus in my book and did help when I did encountered some bad points.

Bad points

However, there were a few items with the story I was not so excited about.

The first item is that the story went back in forth in time, the transitions did not work well for me. I prefer that if the past was referenced that it be told all at once or closer to the beginning of the story. As I said, this is my preference and if you do not mind time jumping so much in your stories, then this may not be a bad point for you.

The other items that really took me out of the story and made it more difficult for me to read was all the slang and swearing. Everytime these were used in the beginning of the story I was really taken out it and made this very difficult for me to continue. I believe that when writing about aliens, they would not have or use the same slang or swear words as the humans from Earth do. I can see them having their own words that would be equivalent, but not the exact same words. Therefore, in order to get through the story and not be taken out of it as often as I was in the beginning, I had to reset my mind to understand that the alien character had been living on Earth for a long time and of course they would pick up on that language and could use it like any other human. This is also just my preference and may not a huge deterrent for other readers.

Final Conclusion

Therefore, for me this is a 4 out of 5 stars. It was a good story and I was really invested in the characters, but there were elements that could have been done a different way. Maybe if I had read Bloodlust Voyage first the bad points from this one may not have been so jarring for me.

Betrothal Voyage is now available via Amazon and you can also read my interview with Auther Leda Palmer as well.


About Patty Hammond

I am a self proclaimed fangirl who is disguised as a mild mannered data analyst for a consulting firm. You can find me on Twitter as @pattybones2 or @Everyday_Fangrl

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